Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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An Area Planning and Inventory Program
written by
Martin L. Waldman
Version 4.0
Copyright 1991,1992,1993
All rights reserved
Distributed by
Software Co-op
5437 Honey Manor Drive
Indianapolis IN 46241
PART 1. INTRODUCTION .................... 1
1.1 Upgrade to Version 4 ...... 1
1.2 Starting LAYOUT ........... 2
1.3 Exiting from LAYOUT ....... 2
1.4 Screen Displays ........... 3
1.5 Using the Keyboard ........ 4
1.6 LAYOUT File selection ..... 5
1.7 Sheet selection ........... 5
PART 2. SHEET FUNCTIONS ................. 6
2,1 Framework Menu ............ 6
2.2 Content Menu .............. 9
2.3 Drawing the Sheet ........ 11
2.4 Mouse Functions .......... 12
2.5 Printing the Sheet ....... 13
PART 3. FILE FUNCTIONS ................. 14
3.1 Titles/Printer/Video ..... 14
3.2 Inventory Print .......... 16
3.3 Make a .CSV File ... ..... 16
4.1 Setting the Framework .... 19
4.2 Changing the Contents .... 23
4.3 Using the Mouse .......... 24
Layout 4.0 1
LAYOUT is a program that you can use to create and print a drawing of
any two-dimensional area along with an inventory of the contents of
the area. An area may be a floor plan of a home or business
establishment, a map of a piece of land, a description of the contents
of a printed page, the design for a quilt, the LAYOUT of components on
a circuit board, etc. -- in fact any space for which you know the
All of the information for displaying and printing an area and it's
inventory is stored in a "sheet". A file may contain up to 26
different sheets. New files and sheets can be created as needed by the
program. New or changed files are rewritten to disk whenever you exit
from the program or when you select a different file.
The program will run on any computer system that operates using
DOS 2.x or higher, and has 256k of memory and a color monitor.
Support is provided for a Mouse, 2 video modes, and for both Epson
FX/IBM Graphic compatible dot matrix printers and HP LaserJet
compatible laser printers.
Part 1 of this manual contains general information about LAYOUT,
Parts 2 and 3 discuss the details of specific functions, and Part 4
takes you through a series of practical exercises to acquaint you with
the various features of the program.
NOTE: In this manual a letter inside angle brackets is used to
indicate a single key press -- the shift key need not be held down.
The data files have been modified and now carry the extension ".LY4".
Files that you may have created with version 3 (.LY3) will be
automatically converted to the new format the first time Version 4 is
run on a directory containing such files.
Version 4 supports two video modes, 640 x 200 and 640 x 480. If your
equipment can use the higher resolution mode (VGA) you can set the
screen to either mode.
The colors used on the menu screens have been modified to make them
more compatible with the LCD screens now used on many portables.In
addition, all menus have been modified so that the first letter (or
number) of each item is pressed to sekect it.
The grid lines used for indexing have been reconfigured so as not to
interfere as much with the contents of a drawing. In addition you can
now change the type of indexing directly from the graphic screen.
2 Layout 4.0
The LAYOUT distribution diskette contains the program and sample data
files. The program can be run directly on diskette or copied to a hard
LAYOUT reads and writes data files on the current default drive and
directory. The program itself may be resident on any directory as long
as DOS can find it or you include the pathname in the command line.
To start LAYOUT you must log on to the drive and directory where the
LAYOUT data files are to be stored and, at the DOS prompt, enter the
command "LAYOUT"
Normally the program "beeps" only when an error is made such as
pressing a key that is not valid. If you wish to have an acoustical
prompt whenever input is required, you may run Version 4 in the "beep"
mode by using the command "LAYOUT /B"
From the first display you must select a file by entering a number
(see 1.6 LAYOUT FILE SELECTION) -- if you do not the program
Then you must select the sheet to be active (see 1.7 SHEET SELECTION).
The Function Menu is then displayed. Pressing a letter key will invoke
the named function. When you exit from a function you will be returned
to the Function Menu.
If you press the <Esc> key at the Function Menu display, the following
message will appear: Exit from LAYOUT (Y/N) ?
Pressing the <Y> key will exit from LAYOUT to the DOS prompt. Pressing
any other key will return you to the Function Menu.
Layout 4.0 3
LAYOUT uses two different types of displays. On graphic screens a
sidebar (first ten columns) is used to display information describing
the current drawing, instructions for continuing, and printer status
messages. The remainder of the screen displays a drawing of the active
Text displays are used for file and sheet selection, menus, and data
entry functions. For example, the Function Menu looks like this:
/ \
LAYOUT 4.0 Floor Plan C - The Erehwon Apt 13:13:40 1/10/93
Sheet 1/7 Apartment Overview Area Length 480 Width 276 inches
Function Menu
Sheet Selection Layout File selection
Framework of Sheet Titles/Printer/Video
Contents of Area Inventory Print
Draw this Sheet Make a .CSV file
Print this Sheet
Press S, F, C, D, P, L, T, I, M, or Esc to quit LAYOUT
The top two lines on the screen are the "Banner". Line one of the
Banner shows the system name and version number, the current active
plan title and the current time and date. Line two shows the number
and name of the active Sheet and the area dimensions.
The middle part of the screen is the "Window" which is used to display
the name of the current activity and menus, lists, information from
files, messages, special instructions, etc.
The bottom two lines are the "Dialog Box". These lines carry the
instructions for pressing a key or entering the other information,
accept input from the keyboard, and display error messages.
4 Layout 4.0
Each activity in LAYOUT requires a specific entry from the keyboard.
The type of entry, and the specific limits for each entry, are shown
in the Dialog Box. A blinking cursor appears and a beep is sounded if
not in quiet mode. The instructions use the following terminology.
"Press" means you need press only a single key, either a letter or a
number. The key list refers to the highlighted characters in the
window display or the letter printed between angle brackets on a
graphic screen. The Shift Key should not be held down.
If you press a key not listed in the instruction, an error message
will be displayed and you will be taken back to the prompt.
"Return" refers to a key that may be labeled RET or ENTER.
"Edit" indicates that you can change individual characters in the
highlighted line directly on the screen. Typing a character replaces
the one at the cursor.
During editing the <INS> key inserts one blank space at the cursor,
the <DEL> key deletes the character at the cursor, the <BackSpace> key
deletes the character before the cursor. The left and right arrow keys
move the cursor one character at a time. The <HOME> key moves the
cursor to the beginning of the line, <END> key to the end of the line.
To save the changed line press Return. Pressing the <Esc> key exits
from editing without saving the changes.
"Enter" means you are expected to either type a number or a new
character type entry (see "Edit"). For numbers use the backspace key
to make corrections. Press the Return key when you have completed your
When entering a number pressing Return alone (not Esc) causes no
change to be made. Entering a 0 (zero) causes that value to be stored
where appropriate. The value zero is displayed as either a blank or a
"0" on the screen.
An error message will appear if your entry exceeds the limits of a
number. For example, there is a maximum of 6 entries for "Doors" on
the Sheet Framework menu (see Part 2).
After every addition or change, you will be given the opportunity to
correct the information before it is saved on the permanent file.
Every instruction in LAYOUT gives you an opportunity to "back out" of
the routine, or continue on, without making a change in the displayed
values. Pressing only the Return key, or the Esc key where specified,
will take you back to the previous instruction or display.
Layout 4.0 5
This function will be invoked when you first start LAYOUT and may also
be accessed by pressing <L> at the Function Menu display.
A numbered list of the Plan Titles in the files on the current
directory will be displayed. Type the number of the LAYOUT File you
want to work with, then press the Return key.
If you press Return without typing a number, you will be returned to
the Function Menu with the current file still active.
To create a new file, enter a "+" sign. The program will check to see
if there is room on the current drive and directory for a new full
size file (64k) -- if not a warning message will be displayed.
NOTE: A directory may contain up to 30 LAYOUT data files.
If there is room for a new file, you will be asked if you wish to copy
a current file.
If you enter a file number, a new file will be created that is an
exact copy of the selected file and will be named as a "COPY of" that
file. Other wise, a new file will be created that contains one sheet.
You must then select a sheet to be the active one.
This function will be invoked automatically when you select a LAYOUT
file and may also be accessed by pressing <S> at the Function Menu
You will be presented with a numbered list of the Sheet names in the
current file. Type the number of the sheet you want to work with, then
press the Return key.
If you press Return without typing a number, you will be returned to
the Function Menu -- the current Sheet remains active.
To create a new sheet,enter a "+" sign. The program will check to see
if there is room in the file and on the current drive and directory
for a new sheet (4k) -- if not a warning message will be displayed.
If there is room for a new sheet (maximum 26), you will be asked if
you wish to copy a current one.
If you enter a sheet number, that sheet will be copied to the next
available sheet number and will be named as a "COPY of" that sheet.
Other wise a blank sheet will be added to the file.
The selected, or newly created, sheet then becomes the active sheet.
6 Layout 4.0
Two menus are used to enter the information describing the active
sheet. -- the Framework menu by pressing <F>, the Contents menu by
pressing <C>. Both can be accessed from either the Function Menu or
the Drawing display.
NOTE: The Sheet Name can be edited on the Titles/Printer/Video menu --
see paragraph 3.1.2 below.
The current values on file for the active sheet will be displayed.
Press a letter key to change a value as explained below. Pressing the
Return key takes you back to the Function Menu or Drawing display.
This menu is used to enter or change the information that controls how
the sheet is displayed and printed. When you press <F>, the
information will be displayed and you will be prompted to press a key,
or return. The action invoked by each key is as follows:
All objects are drawn on the screen (and printout) as a rectangular
box whose "Size" and "Position" is specified as a number of "Drawing
The box represents the area occupied by the object -- not necessarily
it's shape.
The Drawing Units value is a word or abbreviation that states the
units (e.g. inches, feet, meters, etc.) of the actual measurements
entered for items to be drawn on the screen. Press <U> and you will be
prompted to enter the Drawing Units value.
The Size of an item specifies the actual measurements to be drawn on
the screen. "Length" is the horizontal dimension (left to right),
"Width" is the vertical dimension (top to bottom).
Position is defined by how far the upper left-hand corner of an item
is offset from the "Base Point" (the filled-in block located in the
upper left-hand corner of the drawing area).
"Rt" = horizontal distance to the right of the Base Point.
"Dn" = vertical distance down from the Base Point.
The position of the Base Point itself is Rt 0 Dn 0
Layout 4.0 7
The number of different locations that can be physically displayed on
the graphic screen is limited by the video mode you are using.
Actual dimensions that are larger (or smaller) can be optimally
displayed by setting the appropriate Drawing Ratio for the active
sheet. The data entered for each item will be adjusted for display
purposes by the ratio -- the data itself is not changed.
When you press <R> you will see a display of the ratios that may be
used to enlarge or reduce the drawing so that it fits on the screen.
The following table can be used to determine an appropriate ratio
depending on the video mode you are using.
Code Draw Maximum Actual Measurement
No. Ratio 640 x 200 640 x 480
Len Wid Len Wid
Normal 0 Full 240 192 264 228
Enlarge 1 Dble 120 96 132 114
2 Quad 60 48 66 57
Reduce 3 Half 480 384 528 456
4 Qtr 960 768 1056 912
Enter the code number of the Drawing ratio you wish to use for the
active sheet.
Sheets may be drawn with tick marks on the borders of the drawing,
full grid lines crisscrossing the drawing or with no index marks.
When you press <T> you will see a display of the Index Types that may
be used in the drawing and printing of the active sheet. Enter a code
number or press Return for no change.
You may also change the type by pressing <T> on the graphic screen.
The display of the indexes will be rotated serially among the 3 types.
The index interval is the number of drawing units between tick marks
or grid lines on the drawing and printout. Press <I> and then enter a
new number or press Return for no change.
The index interval will be adjusted for display according to the
drawing ratio.
8 Layout 4.0
The borders of the drawing area may be displayed as "Walls" (double
lines), "Edges" (single lines), or not at all.
When you press <B> you will see a display of the Borders that may be
used in the drawing and printing of the active sheet. Enter a code
number or press Return for no change.
Both of these dimensions should be entered as the actual measurements
of the area represented by the sheet. Edges will be drawn at these
dimensions, Walls outside of them. Press <H> or <V> and then enter the
desired value.
The boundaries of the drawing area will be indicated on all drawings
by filled-in blocks located outside of each corner.
2.1.7 DOORS and WINDOWS - press <D> or <W>
When <D> or <W> is pressed you will be prompted to press the number of
the item you wish to change -- there are a maximum of 6 of each.
You will then be prompted to specify the wall in which the door or
window is to be drawn, or you can remove this door or window from the
list by pressing <C> (clear).
Otherwise, press a letter key -- <T> for the top, <B> for the bottom,
<L> for the left-hand, or <R> for the right-hand wall.
Next you must enter the position at which the door or window starts:
Top & Bottom walls - distance to the right of the base point.
Left & Right walls - distance down from the base point.
And finally you must enter the size of the window or door.
The program draws doors and windows by erasing the specified part of
the wall and drawing in the frame. For windows, the erased portion of
the wall is filled with a dashed line.
If the horizontal or vertical size of the walls is changed, the doors
and windows will be drawn within the new walls -- the position and
size are not changed.
The doors and windows will only be drawn if the drawing area border is
set to "Walls". The door and window data will not be changed.
Layout 4.0 9
The Contents menu, accessed by pressing <C>, enables you to enter and
change the specifications for the objects to be displayed on drawings
and printouts and to enter the inventory data.
The initial display shows the name, size, and position for each of the
content blocks (A - Z) that are used to define the rectangular block
of space occupied by an object regardless of shape. To change the
specifications or the inventory data for a block, press the letter
corresponding to the block.
A window will open on the opposite half of the screen that displays
all the data on file for the selected content block and you will
prompted to select an item to change.
As you change an item the new data will be displayed in the window but
will not be changed on the initial display (all 26 blocks) until you
press return to exit from this window. When you do, you will be
returned to the updated initial Area Content display.
To clear an item completely, press <C>.
Press <N> and the block's Name field will be highlighted for editing
as described in Para. 1.5.
2.2.2 SIZE
When you press <S>, you will be serially prompted to enter the Length
and Width of the item. Pressing Return at a prompt leaves that value
unchanged -- see also Para 2.4 Mouse Functions.
NOTE: You may record the block name and size at any time, but, the
item will NOT appear on the drawing unless it's Position has been
To set the Position data (distances to the right and down) of the
block, press <P>. You will be serially prompted to enter the two
values. Pressing Return at a prompt leaves that value unchanged -- see
also Para 2.4 Mouse Functions.
10 Layout 4.0
Initially blocks are drawn with the length parallel to the top of the
area (Rotation angle = 0). Press <R> to choose another angle. The
block will be rotated around the recorded position with the length
drawn at the specified angle -- see also Para 2.4 Mouse Functions.
Pressing a number key <1> - <6> allows you to edit that inventory
item. If you press <I> you will be serially prompted to edit all six.
The number of characters and the type of entry in each inventory item
is determined by the values set in the Set Titles/Printer Type menu
(see 3.1.4 INVENTORY COLUMNS). If the sizes or types are changed
after the data has been entered it may be neccessary to reedit all of
the content blocks.
The column type determines how the inventory item is edited on the
area content menu and how it is printed on the inventory list and .CSV
file. The type of the item appears after the item title on the area
content display as [C] or [N]
[C] - Character type entries can be changed by editing them directly
in the highlighted space of the area content display. These print as
displayed on the inventory list and are surrounded by double quotes in
the .CSV file.
[N] - To change a numeric type entry, you will be prompted to enter
the number from the keyboard (Return for no change). You may include
leading plus or minus signs and embedded decimal points.The numeric
entries will be automatically right justified in the display and
printout and surrounded only by commas in the .CSV file.
Layout 4.0 11
Each block is drawn and printed with the following variations
according to the values shown on the display:
1) Blocks with all four values for size and position specified
will be drawn as a box on the screen and the printout.
2) If the name of the block starts with an asterisk (*) the
name will not appear on the printout. Otherwise the name
will be printed in the approximate center of the box.
3) If the size of a block is set at zero (blank on the
display), a box will not be drawn. The block name will
appear on the printout at the specified position.
The Drawing function is accessed by pressing <D> at the Function menu.
The Framework and Content values for the active sheet will be adjusted
by the drawing ratio and then used to draw a graphic screen.
Content block boxes, walls, doors, windows, index marks, and filled-in
squares representing the four corners of the drawing area will be
drawn in that order.
The position of each content block for which information has been
entered will be indicated by it's item letter on the screen.
The drawing is a proportional draft of what will be put on paper when
the sheet is printed except that full block names will be printed
instead of just the item letters.
The Plan Title, Sheet number and name, area length and width, drawing
units and ratio, index interval, and the instructions for continuing
will be displayed in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen.
Pressing <Esc> returns you to the Function menu. Press <T> and the
indexes wiull be redrawn to the next type. You can modify the drawing
by pressing <F> or <C> to make changes to values on the Framework or
Content menus -- the drawing will reappear when you exit from either.
12 Layout 4.0
LAYOUT will detect if you have a 2- or 3- button mouse or other
compatible pointing device installed in your system. If so, the
instructions on the graphic drawing display will include the line
"<M>ouse". If you press <M>, you will be prompted to press a letter
(A-Z) to define the content block you wish to modify.
When you press a letter the sidebar display will change to show the
Block letter and the name, size, position, and rotation values
currently on file. In addition the current location of the mouse
cursor is displayed.
The mouse cursor will appear in the center of the screen if no
position is on file for the selected block, otherwise it will point to
the position and the block letter will appear. The block drawing will
appear only if both size and position have been specified.
You may use the mouse in the normal manner to change it's cursor
location on the screen. You may also use the cursor movement keys on
the numeric keypad (NumLock must be off) as follows:
The up, down, right, and left arrow keys move the cursor one point
at a time in the indicated direction (fine tuning). <PgUp> moves
the cursor to the Origin (0,0), <PgDn> sets the cursor at the
bottom right hand corner of the defined area.
The <Home> key sets the cursor to the position of the selected
block. <End> moves the cursor to it's bottom right-hand corner.
The mouse buttons and their equivalent keypresses function as follows:
Click Left or press <Ins> to move the position of the block to the
current cursor location.
Click Center or press the <Tab> key to cause the block to serially
rotate about the position.
You can also change the size of the block. The best way to do this
is to first set rotation to "0" and press <End> to position the
cursor at the current bottom. Now move the cursor to correct the
size values (= cursor location - block position) and Click Right
or press <Del>. The block will be redrawn and the new size
displayed in the sidebar.
The changed drawing you see after each change is a temporary one --
don't worry if some lines appear cut or extra marks appear. To save
the changes you have made, you must press the <Ret> key. You may press
the <Esc> key at any time to cancel the changes. The drawing will be
restored to the current values and you will be returned to the select
block (A-Z) prompt.
Paragraph 4.3 of this manual contains a practical exercise to acquaint
you with using a mouse in LAYOUT.
Layout 4.0 13
When you are satisfied with the appearance of the drawing, you may
send it to the printer by pressing <P>.
NOTE: Printing can also be done by pressing <P> on the Function Menu.
The drawing will be displayed without the area content block item
letters -- just the way it will be put on paper.
A message in the left-hand sidebar will remind you to set the selected
type of printer "on line". If you have a printer buffer attached, make
sure it too is turned on.
NOTE: The Printer Type can be set on the Titles/Printer/Video menu --
see paragraph 3.1.3 below.
The printouts from LAYOUT use 9 - 10 inches per page depending on how
your dot matrix printer handles dot graphics. To center the top and
bottom margins, the paper should be set so that the first line will
print one-half to one inch down from the top of a new page.
The margins for a laser printer are set automatically.
Press <P> again when you are ready, or <Esc> to abort the printing.
If the printer is still not ready to print, you will see a second
prompt that reminds you to make it ready or to exit without printing.
A message will acknowledge that printing has started. Be patient !
Aproximately 44k-60K characters must be sent to the printer one at a
Depending on the speed of your equipment, printing a sheet on a dot
matrix printer may take up to 3 minutes, on a laser printer about 1
A single page will be printed that contains the titles and dimensions
of the sheet, the graphic screen drawing with the full name of each
block, and lists of the information on file for all doors, windows,
and area content blocks.
14 Layout 4.0
This menu is used to select a printer type, video mode, and enter the
information describing the active file and sheet. Press a letter or
number key to change a value as explained below. Pressing the Return
key takes you back to the Function Menu.
The current values on file will be displayed, for example:
/ \
LAYOUT 4.0 Apartment #101 - The Erehwon 13:25:32 1/10/93
Sheet 7/7 Kitchen/Dining Area Area Length 216 Width 144 inches
Title of Plan Apartment #101 - The Erehwon
Sheet Name Kitchen/Dining Area
Printer Type Dot Matrix
Video mode 640 x 480
Inventory Columns
No. Size Type Title
1. 10 Char Purch.Date
2. 10 Num Purch.Cost
3. 10 Char Vendor
4. 13 Char Serial Number
5. 10 Num Repl. Cost
6. 13 Char Ins. Policy #
Tot 66 / 66 maximum
To make a change press T, S, P, V, 1 - 6
or press Esc for no change
The Title, as displayed in the banner, is used to identify the LAYOUT
file that is currently being used and is the name that appears on the
File Selection display. Press <T> to edit it using the techniques
explained in paragraph 1.5. Press Return when finished, or press the
<Esc> key if you do not wish to record the change.
The name of the currently active sheet is also displayed in the banner
and is the name that appears on the Sheet Selection display. It can be
edited by pressing <P> and using the technique described in para 1.5.
Layout 4.0 15
Printing may be done either with an Epson FX/IBM Graphic compatible
dot matrix printer or an HP LaserJet laser printer.
When you press <P> you will see a display of the Printer Types that
are to be used to print all reports. Enter a code number or press
Return for no change.
NOTE: The program expects that the printer you select is the DOS
default PRN device.
When you press <V> you will see a display of the Video modes that are
available. Enter a code number or press Return for no change.
NOTE: This item will not appear if your system does not support both
This function enables you to design the format of the printed
Inventory and the .CSV file that can be created for the active file.
When you press a number key, you will be prompted to enter the size
for that column number (press Return for no change), then select the
item type (character or numeric), and then to edit the column title.
As indicated in the display, there are a maximum of 66 characters for
the column titles and data in each column for each Content Block.
The column size determines how the 66 characters are divided among the
columns -- i.e. the title and data for column 1 use the first group of
characters. Column 2 starts at the place where column 1 ends, column 3
starts at the place where column 2 ends, etc.If you try to exceed the
maximum, the higher number columns will be reduced in size by the
program (highest first).
NOTE: Changing a column size will change the title space and location
at which all subsequent titles begin -- the titles and content block
data may have to be reedited.
The column type determines how the inventory item is edited on the
area content menu and how it is printed on the inventory list and .CSV
file. The type of the item appears after the item title on the area
content display as [C] or [N]
[C] - These print as displayed on the inventory list and are
surrounded by double quotes in the .CSV file.
[N] - The numeric entries will be automatically right justified in the
display and printout and surrounded only by commas in the .CSV file.
16 Layout 4.0
When you press <I> on the Function Menu, a message will remind you to
set the selected type of printer "on line". If you have a printer
buffer attached, make sure it too is turned on.
The inventory is printed on 9 inches per page. For one inch top and
bottom margins on a dot matrix printer, the paper should be set so
that the first line will print one inch down from the top of a new
page. The margins for a laser printer are set automatically.
Press any key when you are ready.
If the printer is still not ready to print, you will see a second
prompt that reminds you to make it ready or to exit without printing.
The print-out contains the data from all of the sheets on the current
file and is divided into titled sections for each sheet -- multiple
pages are printed if needed.
The first line on each page carrys the Plan Title and the current
date. The second line carries the inventory column titles set in the
Titles/Printer/Video menu. For clarity, the columns are separated from
each other by the 3 characters " | "
The data for each Sheet starts with a line that carries the sheet
number/total and the sheet name.
This is followed by a line for each content block that lists the sheet
number, block letter, block name, and the inventory data entered for
the block in columns separated as above.
NOTE: The Inventory data will NOT be printed on the report or included
in the .CSV file (see section 3.3) if a content block is empty, the
name of the block starts with an asterisk (*), or the length or width
of a block is set at zero.
Many spreadsheet programs can import data directly from a "comma
separated value (.CSV)" file -- an ASCII file formatted with commas
between data for columns, character data enclosed in double quotes,
and a carriage return for a new row.
Pressing <M> on the function menu will create a file of that type with
the same file name as the current .LY4 file but with the .CSV
extension. You will be prompted to verify the action.
The file will contain the plan title and column title lines and then
all of the sheet information described above (no page breaks).
HINT: When importing this file, set the width of the first column of
the spreadsheet to 32, the others to each Inventory Column Size + 2.
Layout 4.0 17
In this part we will explore various features of LAYOUT using the
sample files on the distribution diskette. Place a copy of the
diskette into a disk drive, log on to that drive and enter LAYOUT
The plan titles of the files will be displayed like this:
/ \
LAYOUT 4.0 16:58:04 1/10/93
Layout File Selection
----------- Plan Titles of Files in Current Directory-----------
1. Floor Plan C, The Erehwon Apts
2. Apartment #101, The Erehwon
3. Additional LAYOUT Examples
To start a new file enter a + sign or
enter a LAYOUT file number or Return
The first two files contain the floor plans for the same apartment.
File # 1 shows the unfurnished apartment with it's built-in fixtures,
# 2 has had some furnishings placed in it.
We will start with File number 1 - press the number 1 and then the
Return key. The next display will look like this.
/ \
LAYOUT 4.0 Floor Plan C - The Erehwon Apts 16:58:35 1/10/93
Sheet 1/7 Apartment Overview Area Length 480 Width 276 inches
Select starting Sheet
--------------- Sheets Currently in File ---------------
1. Apartment Overview
2. Workshop and Study
3. Study Bath & Closets
4. Living Room
5. Bedroom
6. Main Bath & Closets
7. Kitchen/Dining Area
To add a new sheet enter a + sign or
enter a Sheet number or Return
Sheet 1 is a block overview of the apartment. The others show details
including interior walls and doors. Choose sheet number 2 to start.
18 Layout 4.0
The next display you will see is the Function Menu. Note that Sheet
number 2 is now listed in the banner as the active sheet.
If your monitor is capable of 640x480 mode, you may choose either
video mode (see Titles/Printer/Video menu) for the following
Press <D> to draw the sheet on the screen. You will then see a display
that looks something like this (but much better on the screen):
/ \
Floor Plan *=============== ========================*
C, The || A ||
Erewhon Ap || ||
Sheet # ||
2/7 || B
Workshop |
and Study | ||
---------- | ||
Length 204 | ||
Width 132 | ||
inches | ||
Index set || ||
each 12 ||
Drawing is || C
Full size ||
---------- || ||
Press || ||
<C>ontent *==================================== ====*
<F>ramewk D
or <Esc>
to Menu
The information in the sidebar and the data for drawing the four doors
and the one window can be changed on the Framework menu. Press <F> to
view that menu. Press Return to come back to the drawing.
The four letters in the drawing area (A-D) show the locations where
the names for each of the doors will be printed on paper. These
locations can be changed on the Contents menu. Press <C> to bring up
the Contents menu.
Note the block names assigned to each of the letters. Since the size
(Len and Wid) of each of these blocks is zero (blank) no box will be
drawn. The names will be printed in the positions defined for each.
We will discuss Contents menu later in this manual. Press Return to
come back to the drawing.
Layout 4.0 19
Let's examine the effects of setting some of the values displayed on
the Framework menu. Press <F> to bring up that menu.
/ \
LAYOUT 4.0 Floor Plan C - The Erehwon Apts 17:40:45 1/10/93
Sheet 2/7 Workshop and Study Area Length 204 Width 132 inches
Framework of Sheet
Units inches Type Index not drawn
Ratio Full size Interval 12 inches
Borders of Area Walls
Horizontal size (length) 204 inches
Vertical size (width) 132 inches
Door Wall Position Size Window Wall Position Size
1. Top Rt 60 36 1. Lft Dn 40 48
2. Rht Dn 24 24 2.
3. Rht Dn 84 24 3.
4. Bot Rt 162 32 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
To make a change press U, R, T, I, B, H, V, D, W
or press Esc for no change
Distances on a drawing can be difficult to evaluate without some
indication of the scale of the drawing. Let's add indexing marks to
this sheet.
Press <T>. A list of the available indexing types will "pop up" on the
screen. Select code number 1 (Tick marks). The new index type will be
indicated on the display. Press Return to go back to the drawing.
The whole drawing area is now outlined on all 4 sides by a series of
short vertical and horizontal dashes. The distance between marks is
defined by the index interval. Because of variations in monitors,
horizontal distances should be compared only with the top or bottom
row of marks, vertical distances with the left or right column.
Press <T> to reset the index type to "Grid lines". The drawing area is
now divided into a set of squares. Although the drawing seems somewhat
cluttered, grid lines can be useful in determining the amount of
floor-covering needed for a room -- in this case for example, the
number of 12 inch square floor tiles.
Press <I> on the Framework menu, set the interval to 36, and return to
the drawing -- the grid now shows the amount of carpeting needed in
square yards.
20 Layout 4.0
The next thing we will evaluate is the Drawing Ratio.
First set the index type as grid lines and the index interval at 36.
Now examine the drawing. The sidebar shows that the area is 204 inches
long, 132 inches wide, and is drawn "Full size".
Press <F> to bring up the Framework menu and then press <R> to see a
display of the available drawing ratios. Enter code 3 (Half) and
return to the drawing.
The sidebar now shows that the drawing is "Half size"
Although you have not changed the sizes and positions of the
structures, all measurements have been cut in half and therefore only
occupy half their normal distance on the screen.
The grid lines still represent the same interval (36 inches) but there
is now room for twice as many squares on the screen.
Take a few minutes and explore the effects of enlarging or reducing
the drawing ratio. Note that all sizes and positions are
proportionally adjusted for drawing and that only those parts of the
sheet that will fit are drawn -- the rest do not appear.
When you are finished, reset the Ratio to "Full size", the index type
to "Tick marks", the interval to 12, and return to the drawing.
For the next part of this exercise we will be changing some of the
numbers used to create the drawings. Before we do that we want to have
a picture of the sheet and a record of what the current numbers are.
Press <P> (to print). The drawing will be redisplayed without the item
letters of the content blocks -- the graphic portion of the drawing
now looks just like it will be printed.
The sidebar messages are to remind you to set your printer online
-- make sure you have set the appropriate printer type for your
When the printer is ready, press <P> again. The sheet will be printed.
Since this sheet is the drawing of a room, the Drawing Area Borders
are specified to be "Walls". Press <B> on the Framework menu, change
this value, and return to the drawing.
Depending on your choice the borders of the area will be drawn as
single lines (code 2) or not at all (code 3). Try out both. Note that
in these cases the doors and windows are not drawn, but the data for
them has not been lost. The blocks indicating the corners of the area
are always drawn.
Layout 4.0 21
Reset the Border value to "Walls" (code 1) and return to the drawing.
The length and width of the drawn area are listed in the sidebar.
These two numbers determine where the borders and the corner blocks
will be drawn.
Try changing the Horizontal or Vertical size on the Framework menu.
Note that the doors and windows will always be displayed according to
their positions and sizes within the walls specified by the listed
dimensions, even if the position or size of a door or window extends
the drawing beyond the new dimension.
The location of the item letters indicating where the door names will
be printed is NOT adjusted to changed dimensions. The locations must
be changed on the Area Contents menu.
Reset the area sizes to their original dimensions (204 x 132) and the
wall, door, and window drawings will be returned to their original
This sheet shows the presence of four doors in the walls of this room
(each indicated by a letter) and one window in the left-hand wall.
The data for the window and the doors, and for the door names, are
listed in the bottom part of the sheet you just printed.
The Wall, Position and Size data for the window and doors is a copy of
what appears on the Framework menu. The specifications for the door
names comes from the Area Content menu.
As an exercise let's split the window into two 24 inch parts with 6
inches between them. Press <F> to invoke the Framework menu.
Press <W> and then <1> -- this lets you change Window number 1
Then press <L> to specify the left wall of the drawing.
For Lft Dn Position enter 40 and for Size enter 24
This places a window that is 24 inches long starting 40 inches down
from the top in the left wall of the room.
Return to the drawing to observe the results of these entries.
22 Layout 4.0
Now let's put in the second part of the window. On the Framework menu
select Window number 2 and specify that it too is in the left wall.
Since we want to leave 6 inches between windows, we must do a little
arithmetic as follows:
Window # 1 starts 40 inches down
and is 24 inches long
Window # 2 starts 6 inches down from the end of Window # 1
Adding these gives 70 as the starting position of Window # 2
Enter this value for the position of Window # 2 and again specify 24
as the size.
Return to the drawing. Note that we have now split the original 48"
window into 2 - 24" windows with 6" between them.
To restore the original window you would first clear Window # 2 -- on
the Framework menu press <W>, <2>, and then <C>.
Then select Window # 1 and respecify it as being in the left wall at
position 40 and size 48.
Return to the drawing to confirm that you have restored it to what it
looks like on the printout.
The same techniques are used for creating, changing, or clearing doors
-- start with <D> instead of <W>.
Now try putting windows and doors in other places on the drawing.
Note that if you overlap a door with a window, the window will be
drawn as specified but the door will not be drawn correctly and
extraneous marks will appear in the window.
This is because doors are drawn before windows -- the extraneous marks
are the door frames that were drawn after a portion of the wall was
erased for the door.
Examine the printout you have. From the specifications for the doors
note that Door # 3 is in the right wall, starts 84 inches down from
the top, and is 24 inches wide.
In the Area Content information the block indicated by the item letter
"C" places that letter on the screen at the position Rt 210, Dn 96 and
will put the name "Study Closet" at the equivalent position on the
printout -- no box is drawn because the block sizes are blank.
Now clear Door # 3 on the Framework menu and return to the drawing.
Note that although the door no longer appears, the key letter is still
displayed. Remove it by clearing the block on the Content menu.
Now reset Door 3 and Block C to the specifications on the printout.
Layout 4.0 23
To further examine the uses of the data entered on the Area Content
menu we will use a different sheet.
Return to the Function Menu, press <S> to invoke the sheet select
function and choose sheet number 3. Study Bath & Closets.
Draw the sheet on the screen. You will see that this sheet is a
detailed continuation to the right of the sheet we just worked with.
Print a copy of this sheet.
The bottom part of the printout contains the specifications on file
for the blocks whose position on the drawing is indicated by the
letters A - I.
The specifications are reproduced in the following table.
Content Blocks - Size - Position Rot
--- Name --- Len Wid Rt Dn Ang
A.* bath-closets 112 3 0 60 0
B.* closet-closet 3 69 60 63 0
C.Counter 49 22 0 0 0
D. Sink 18 16 26 2 0
E. Toilet 21 29 54 0 0
F.Bath tub/shower 31 60 81 0 0
G.Linen Cabinet 41 8 0 52 0
H.Study Closet 8 96 0
I.Hall Closet 76 96 0
Block A is the horizontal interior wall between the bathroom and the
two closets. This wall goes the whole length of the drawing area (112
inches), is 3 inches thick, and starts at the left edge of the drawing
area (Position Rt 0).
Block B is the vertical interior wall that divides the two closets. It
too is 3 inches thick and runs the entire width of both closets
Since the study closet is 60 inches long and this wall abuts on to the
horizontal wall, Block B's position is Rt 60 Dn 63.
The block names for these two items have been entered to identify the
walls in the data but they will not be printed as they each start with
an asterisk.
Blocks C - G draw and label the fixtures in the bathroom. Note that
the Sink and Toilet names have been indented to center the labels.
Blocks H and I put the closet names in the center of their areas.
24 Layout 4.0
Now let's put some fixtures into the Hall and Study Closets. We will
use the following information.
Content Blocks - Size - Position Rot
--- Name --- Len Wid Rt Dn Ang
N. Rod 2 69 100 63 0
O. Shoes 24 12 42 64 45
P.Shelves 60 18 0 114 0
Block N is a 2 inch thick rod that runs the whole width of the hall
closet and is 12 inches away from the right-hand inside wall.
Block O represents a 12 inch by 24 inch shoe rack placed catty-corner
in the top right hand corner of the study closet.
Block P outlines a set of 18 inch shelves along the full length of the
bottom wall of the study closet.
If you do NOT have a mouse installed, bring up the Contents menu and
enter the information into Blocks N-P. Return to the drawing and print
a copy of it. Skip down to the next part of the exercise where we
check our work.
Calculating the position to assign to Content Blocks can be difficult
especially if the blocks are to be rotated to other angles or where
they overlap with other parts of the drawing. If you have a mouse or
other pointing device installed, LAYOUT will do the calculations for
The first thing to do is record the names and sizes of the objects to
be positioned in the area. Bring up the Contents menu and enter only
the names and sizes (NOT the Position or Rotation) for blocks N - P
and return to the drawing. Note that these 3 blocks don't yet appear.
Press <M>ouse and then press the letter "N" to work with that block.
The mouse cursor will appear in the center of the screen but still no
Block N because you have not assigned it's Position (see the sidebar).
To do that, Click the left mouse button or press the <Ins> key. The
block will now be drawn starting at the mouse cursor.
Now move the cursor to the desired position of the block and again
Click Left. The block will jump to the new position. You can micro-
adjust the position by using the arrow keys to move the cursor, then
Click Left again. When things look right (don't worry about cut
lines), press Return to save the new data, or press <Esc> and the
drawing will return to where you started so you can try again.
When you are finished with block N, select block O to work with. Move
the mouse cursor into the middle of the Study Closet and Click Left to
draw the block. Click Center or press the <Tab> key and the box will
rotate to 30 deg. Do it again to get to 45 deg.
Layout 4.0 25
Now move the cursor to the approximate position where the box will
touch both the top and right-hand walls of the Study Closet and Click
Left -- if you positioned it perfectly, give yourself an "atta boy".
Otherwise reposition the box (the arrow keys come in very handy) until
it looks right. Press return to save the drawing.
Use the above technique to position Block P on the drawing (no
rotation). Return to the Drawing and bring up the Contents menu. You
will see that the position and rotation data for thse three blocks has
been filled in for you. <P>rint this sheet.
You can also use the mouse to draw a new block. Try this. At the
drawing press <M> and at the (A - Z) prompt press "X" (for
experiment). Move the cursor into the middle of the right-hand unused
portion of the drawing area and Click Left.
The letter "X" appears at the cursor but no box is drawn yet because
its size is still 0 x 0 -- see the sidebar. If Block X had a name
(entered on the Contents menu), it would appear on the printout in
this position.
Now move the cursor somewhere to the right and down from the position
and Click Right or press the <Del> key. The box now appears. Check the
sidebar for the calculated size of the box. Adjust the size by moving
the cursor and again Clicking Right.
Try moving the block to various positions and rotating it. When you
are finished experimenting you can delete the changes by pressing
<Esc> or save them as evidence of your expertise with a mouse by
pressing Return.
Now let's check our work. Return to the Function menu and press <L> to
select a different LAYOUT file -- your changed file will be saved to
disk. Choose file number 2 and then sheet number 3. Print a copy.
Now go back to file number 1, sheet number 3. Compare the sheet from
file 2 (Apartment #101) to your printout of the same sheet from file 1
(Floor Plan C). If they do not match, make the needed corrections.
Let's take a look at an overview of the apartment. Go to the Function
menu and select Sheet # 1. Draw it and print a copy.
Since the dimensions of the whole apartment (480 x 276 inches) exceed
the physical limits of the screen (240 x 192) the drawing ratio for
this sheet has been set at Half size.
The drawing shows the whole apartment divided into a series of blocks
outlining the location and dimensions of each room in the apartment.
The position and size of the doors and windows in the external walls
of the apartment is shown.
Content Blocks are used to define a room or group of rooms. The
additional labels on this printout show the relationships of the
detail sheets where the placement of interior walls, doors, fixtures,
etc. is shown -- see your printouts of sheets 2 and 3.
26 Layout 4.0
Note that the numbers describing the actual dimensions of a block on
the overview are the same as those on the specific detail sheet for
the comparable structure -- the difference in the appearance of the
drawing is due to different drawing ratios. For example, the block
outlining the area of the Workshop/Study on the overview is 204 x 132
in size. Therefore the same dimensions are specified for the walls on
Sheet # 2.
From the overview we can see, for example, that the area drawn on
Sheet # 3 lies immediately to the right of that drawn on Sheet # 2.
Since both these sheets are drawn to the same scale (unit = inches,
ratio = full size) the two pieces of paper can be superimposed (right
wall of sheet 2 to left wall of sheet 3) to create a larger overall
plan of the apartment that includes all the detail.
Similarly, sheet 4 describes the area to the right of sheet 3, Sheet 5
the area below sheet 2, etc. (all drawn to the same scale). The
filled-in blocks printed at the intersections of the borders will help
you to match up adjoining sheets.
You can create a large composite area plan by cutting each sheet along
it's top and left-hand borders and, starting with sheet number 1 as
the base, paste adjoining sheets onto their relative positions.
The size of such a composite is limited only by your imagination.
Some other ways to use the features in LAYOUT are illustrated on other
sheets in the sample files.
Sheet # 4 (either file): - The living room actually has only three
walls. To remove the fourth wall from the drawing of the borders, a
door was placed the full length of the bottom wall.The structures that
lie across the hallway from the living room have been included on this
sheet -- see area content blocks E - H.
Sheet # 7 (either file): - the boundaries of this sheet include the
front part of the hallway, the kitchen, and the dining area. Door 1 is
the hallway closet door and Door 2 is the absent wall of the living
room. The interior walls lining the hallway are Blocks N and O. The
pass through and wall separating the kitchen and dining area are
Blocks Q and R.
The fixtures in the kitchen are in Sheet # 7 on both files. Sheet # 7
on file # 2 (Apartment #101) shows the furniture placed in the dining
area by the tenant and some entries have been made in the inventory
Print a copy of the Inventory. Go to the Titles/Printer/Video menu and
change some of the column sizes to see the effects on the column
titles and the content block inventory data.
The third sample file carries a miscellaneous collection of sheets to
demonstrate how other kinds of areas can be described with LAYOUT.
These samples illustrate how combinations of drawing ratios and units,
either fractional or whole, can be used to describe any size area.
Layout 4.0 27
LAYOUT and documentation distributed or shipped with it are copyrighted
works protected by U.S. and international copyright law. You are granted
a license to use your copy of LAYOUT only under the terms specified in
this license agreement.
LAYOUT is a software package representing many long hours of
programming, development, and support. LAYOUT is not public domain or
free software. LAYOUT is distributed as shareware, supported by you, the
users that find these programs productive!
If you benefited in some way from LAYOUT or make regular use of any of
the programs, you should register your copy. Registered users are sent a
program disk containing the latest release of the programs, complete
printed documentation, and published announcements of future releases of
LAYOUT. Support for the program via telephone, mail, Bulletin Board, and
Compuserve is also provided to registered users.
Single user registration of LAYOUT costs $35 and entitles you to use
this software on a single computer and to make as many copies of this
software as you wish for backup purposes.
Upon receipt of your registration fee you will receive a printed manual,
a disk with the latest version of the software, notice of updates to the
software, notice of any bugs that may be found in the software, and you
will be eligible for telephone support (317-856-6052 during business
hours). Support can also be obtained by BBS (PBS-BBS 317-856-2087 Author
Conference - Leave a message to BOB OSTRANDER) or on CompuServe
(Leave email to BOB OSTRANDER 76635,1760).
Registration by private individuals for non-commercial uses is available
for $20. This registration level does not include a program disk or
printed manual.
Site licenses are available for LAYOUT for $200. A site license entitles
you to use this software on all of the computers in a building, campus,
or plant. You will receive 2 master disks and 2 manuals to make copies
from as you wish. Additional master disks and manuals are available, if
you wish, at a cost of $4 and $3 respectively.
Telephone support and update notices for site licensees of LAYOUT must
be directed through one person at the licensee's location.
28 Layout 4.0
Anyone not charging a "duplication" fee, individual or non-profit user
groups, and Bulletin Board systems, may freely copy and share exact
duplicates of LAYOUT. All program and documentation files must be
distributed together and unmodified.
Distributors of shareware software disks may distribute LAYOUT if they
notify the Software Co-op that they are doing so. Members of the ASP do
not need to notify Software Co-op that they are distributing LAYOUT.
There is no warranty of any kind associated with LAYOUT. You, the user,
are advised to experiment and become familiar with all of the programs
before relying on them. You assume all risk for the selection, use, and
operation of LAYOUT to achieve your intended results.
You alone are responsible for any loss of profits, loss of savings, or
other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the correct or
incorrect use of these programs, even if we are advised of the
possibility of any damages due to a defect in any program.
By using any of the programs composing LAYOUT programs you agree to the
above limitations.
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This program is published by a member of the Association of Shareware
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products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
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Remit to: From:
Software Co-op ____________________________________
5437 Honey Manor Dr
Indianapolis IN 46241 ____________________________________
or VISA/MC call: ____________________________________
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Send me _____ copy/copies of fully registered LAYOUT at $35 each.
Register me for _____ copies of LAYOUT without disk or manual at $20 each.
Send me _____ copy/copies of LAYOUT distribution diskette at $4 each.
Total: __________
Check disk size [] 5 1/4" 360k [] 3 1/2" 720k
Checks, Money Orders, VISA, MasterCard are accepted. Written Purchase
Orders are accepted for quantity purchases and site licenses from most
companies, schools, and governmental units. Terms NET 30.
VISA/MC # _________ _________ _________ _________ Exp Date:___ /____
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To Purchasing, Accounts Payable:
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Upon receipt of this paid invoice, printed manual(s) and current
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Our federal employer ID number is 35-1689317.
Remit to: From (street address):
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Indianapolis IN 46241 ____________________________________
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Send _____ site license packages at $200.
Send _____ additional master disks at $4.
Send _____ additional printed manuals at $3.
Check disk size [] 5 1/4" 360k [] 3 1/2" 720k
Checks, Money Orders, VISA, MasterCard are accepted. Written Purchase
Orders are accepted for quantity purchases and site licenses from most
companies, schools, and governmental units. Terms NET 30.
VISA/MC # _________ _________ _________ _________ Exp Date:___ /____
Signature ________________________________ Phone ______________________
To Purchasing, Accounts Payable:
Note that LAYOUT have been delivered and accepted by the customer.
Upon receipt of this paid invoice, printed manual(s) and current
disk(s) will be sent.
Our federal employer ID number is 35-1689317.